
I have received multiple awards for my work as a writer and contributor to various publications. Whether uncovering historical facts or telling heartwarming stories about dogs, I enjoy writing true stories.

Born in Meriden, Connecticut, I attended public schools in New England. I graduated from Bitburg High School in Germany. After serving in the military, I found time to complete my university education and worked as an analyst for the government. During this period, I published several papers and co-wrote two books. This job taught me much about research, critical thinking, and complex analysis.

Later, I served as an adjunct professor for over two decades, teaching Computer Science and Analytic Geography at various universities. My classes, analysis, and writings focused on the Reconstruction Era, Westward Expansion, and the Oklahoma Indian Territories.

Apart from my professional life, one of my hobbies is training search dogs. I'm also an avid hiker and high cliff walker.

Other Works

  • A Dog's Rescue

    A Work in Progress