Deborah Adele, MA, has a background in theology, business, and yoga philosophy. For over 14 years, she used her knowledge to build Yoga North, now a thriving yoga center in Duluth, MN. Deborah has made several trips to India for study and exploration and currently spends her time writing and teaching.
Deborah feels it is important to continually ask ourselves the question, “What does it mean to be human?” by putting ourselves in places we can be challenged and changed, by telling ourselves the truth, and by sitting in some form of prayer, meditation, or reflection daily.
Featured Work
The Yamas & Niyamas: Exploring Yoga's Ethical Practice

The Yamas and Niyamas, yoga's ten ethical guidelines, are foundational to all yogic thought. They comprise the first two limbs of Yoga's eight-fold path and provide the tools you need for skillful living, freeing you to take ownership of your life and directing it towards the fulfillment you seek.