
Although my passion is writing for kids, I've also written for newspapers (and gotten some awards) a screenplay that took first place at the Moondance Film Festival ("Fisheye" a PG script for kids) as well as being active on a few different sites. I did some teaching (MFA, writing programs) and participated in numerous conferences, running a variety of workshops, and of course I enjoyed many school visits-- but all of that took time away from writing. I'm going through a busy spell, so other than visits to schools and libraries with my therapy dog--a corgi named Coriander who listens to kids read, I've got my butt in my chair.
Like most writers I've had my share of "day jobs" from teaching, to counseling (delinquents), secretarial work, waitressing, and a three year stint as a mailman (boy, did that put me in tip top shape!).
I've always enjoyed studying people, which is reflected in what I read as a kid--mysteries. I started with Nancy Drew and graduated to Agatha Christie and Ian Fleming.

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