
My husband and I created a substantial auto dealership footprint in the Bronx consisting of eight major auto brands : Honda, Mazda, Volvo, Hyundai, Buick, Chevy, Accura, Kia. Our business employed 200 employees. I established Francine’s Fine Tuning, Inc., our in-house advertising agency with regular ads in 8 NYC newspapers including The NYTimes, Daily News, NY Post. I earned my NY Stste Insurance Broker’s license and established Francine’s Insurance Brokerage, Inc. i also managed our HR Dept. and was involved in all meetings and expansion decisions, working with design & construction of new showrooms. During this time i embarked on my first book, “Song of the Heart” and a second book, “Sara, Sara”. In 2012 i wrote “Walking the Path of Light”. My son is a real estate developer, my daughter is a lawyer, my eldest grandson is a first year Resident at Texas Children’s Hospital. My husband is deceased for many years. I live alone, independently since Oct1999.

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