
Karen Subach is a poet and writer with a background in medieval literature, languages, the Teaching of English to Non-Native Speakers of English, and history. She was educated at the University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, Oxford University, and the Iowa Writers' Workshop and also enjoyed summer studies at the University of Regensburg, Bavaria (D.A.A.D. Nachkriegskultur) and at the Sorbonne (Cours de Civilisation Française). She has spent extensive time in Italy and Greece. Her full-length collection, Her Breath on the Window, recently has come out with Carnegie Mellon University Press. Her chapbook, Mysteries, was a finalist in Finishing Line Press's 2008 Open Competition. Her poems and stories have appeared in The American Poetry Review, New England Review, New Letters, The North American Review, and many other journals, and she has been a resident at Yaddo, a scholar for the NEH Poets in Person series, a Tennessee Williams Scholar at the Sewanee Writers' Conference, Writer-in-Residence at Washburn University of Topeka, and a delighted teacher for the University of Iowa's Belin-Blank International Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development. For over thirty years she was the first reader and editor of novelist Wayne Johnson's work.

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