Dr. Jacqueline Bussie is an award-winning author, professor, public theologian, and student of life in all its messy beauty. Her first book, The Laughter of the Oppressed won the national Trinity Prize. Her 2ndbook, Outlaw Christian: Finding Authentic Faith by Breaking the Rules won the 2017 Gold Medal Illumination Award for Christian Living and received a coveted starred review from Publishers Weekly. Her 3rd and latest book, Love Without Limits: Jesus’ Radical Vision for a Love with No Exceptions won the Reader’s Favorite Bronze Medal International Book Award for Christian Living, the 2020 IAN Outstanding Religion Book of the Year Award, and 3rdPlace IAN Non-Fiction Book of the Year Award. Also, Publisher’s Weekly named Love Without Limits “a must-read for all Christians interested in inclusivity for their communities.”
Jacqueline spent the last twenty years teaching religion to undergraduates at ELCA colleges and universities and serving as the founding Director of the Forum on Faith and Life at Concordia College. Now she is a full-time author and much sought after public speaker and workshop facilitator. Jacqueline's favorite things to do are walk on the beach, read good books, ride in the front car of roller coasters, spend time with friends, and travel to any place she's never been before.
Featured Work
Love Without Limits

Written by award-winning author Dr. Jacqueline Bussie, Love Without Limits is a memoir and practical how-to-guide for love across division and difference in these troubled times. Censored by its original mainstream Christian publisher for affirming Muslim and LGBTQ folks, this book saw the light of day only after a viral truth-telling social media post attracted a new independent publisher who helped the author buy its rights back. Through poignant personal memoir, stunning authenticity, creative readings of sacred texts, inspiring true stories of boundary-busting friendships, and surprising shout-outs to love’s unsung heroes, Bussie challenges readers to widen love’s wingspan so far that it excludes no one. Publishers Weekly praised this book as a “must-read for all Christians interested in inclusivity in their communities.”
Other Works
Outlaw Christian
Laughter of the Oppressed
Awards and Recognition
- Starred Review, Publishers Weekly (2016), for "Outlaw Christian"
- Gold Medal Illumination Award (2017), for "Outlaw Christian"
- Trinity Prize (2007), for "The Laughter of the Oppressed"
- Reader's Favorite Bronze Medal International Book Award for Christian Living (2020), for "Love Without Limits"
- Independent Author Network (IAN) Outstanding Religion Book of the Year Award (2020), for "Love Without Limits"
- 3rd Place IAN Non-fiction Book of the Year Award (2020), for "Love Without Limits"