Khefa Nosakhere is a native of New Orleans, Louisiana. He is the author of the America, the “Beautiful” 2066 trilogy and Institutional racism and the search for African American masculinity and identity in selected works of Richard Wright. Khefa discovered his passion for literature as a youth at the Algiers Point Library, as an honors English student at FW Gregory Junior High School then later in Advanced Placement English at McMain Magnet Secondary School. He holds a B.A. in Literature and Language from the University of Southern California [Fight On!!] He is a charter member of his hometown NFL franchise. WHO DAT ?!? GO SAINTS GO!!
His masters degree in Literature focused on literary criticism.He credits the Autobiography of Malcolm X, Things Fall Apart and It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold us Back as the three works that had the greatest impact of shaping his cultural and intellectual identity. His literary specialties are: 20th century American literature, major authors, African-American literature, scholarly essays, literary criticism, African diaspora literature, short stories, creative writing, and poetry. He has also taught ESL, Developmental English, English Composition 101 and 102. This self-described expert of the Marvel Universe states his favorite “superhero” since childhood is none other than the God of Thunder, the Son of Odin, Prince of the Realm Eternal – the Mighty Thor. Khefa is a classic film buff- his most treasured movie is the 1950 epic, Sunset Boulevard. Billy Wilder and Stanley Kubrick are his favorite directors.
His creative influences are: Maurice White, Rod Serling, Muddy Waters, Chuck D, Curtis Mayfield, Julius [Dr. J] Erving, Sam Greenlee, Norman Whitfield, Lamont Dozier, Stevie Wonder, Christopher [Notorious B.I.G] Wallace, Schoolly D, Ian Fleming, Ernest Hemingway, Flannery O’Connor, Marlon Brando, Chinua Achebe, A Tribe Called Quest, the Last Poets, Pablo Picasso, Langston Hughes, Ernie Barnes, Richard Wright, James Baldwin, August Wilson, Jack Kirby, Stan Lee, Billy Wilder, Stanley Kubrick, Michael Jackson, Marvin Gaye, and the incomparable Chaka Khan.
He pays homage to: Dr. Francess Cress Welsing, Dr. Neely Fuller, the Honorable Elijah Muhhammad, Dr. John Henrik Clarke, George Padmore, Dr. Chiek Anta Diop, and Dr. Yusef Ben Jochannan, JA Rogers, Dr. WEB DuBois, and Chancellor Williams as major scholarly influences. Khefa has an unhealthy addiction to King Crab legs. He has successfully evaded several intervention attempts by close friends and family. Khefa has vehemently denied he has a problem and obdurately refuses professional help.
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Institutional racism and the search for African American masculinity and identity in selected works of Richard Wright

Institutional racism and the search for African American masculinity and identity in selected works of Richard Wright
focuses on three works -
Native Son (Bigger Thomas) Black Boy (Richard Wright) Fred Daniels (The Man Who Lived Underground)
It discusses chattel slavery, Jim Crow, the Prison Industrial Complex, The Pipeline to Prison, and the economic peonage of African Americans from 1865 to the present day. It also discusses Black masculinity in an American, 21st century context.