John Danenbarger spends much of his time writing in Italy. Born in Atlanta, he graduated from University of Kansas with a degree in English and Creative Writing. With a backlist of short stories, Danenbarger established the Salem Massachusetts Writers' Club. After living in Oslo, Norway, Stockholm, Sweden, and Salem, MA, Danenbarger achieved a merchant marine captain's license, sailing for two years on the New England coast including two round-trips to Bermuda.
Featured Work
Entanglement-Quantum and Otherwise

They look like the perfect family. But every family has its secrets. Can we ever know the people we love? Imagine flipping through old family albums. The faces are familiar; their true stories lost to time—half-forgotten family anecdotes woven together by generations of proud aunts and kindly grandmothers conceal more than they reveal. Entanglement explores the blank spaces in our family trees. The lives of eight souls intertwine in a sprawling family history. The family story is a legacy of addiction, kidnapping, crime, and murders unresolved and unforgiven. Enjoy this epic achievement in the experimental tradition of David Mitchell and Ian McEwan, with the darkly exotic undertones of books like Mexican Gothic and The Cutting Season and the magical realism of Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
Other Works
Awards and Recognition
- • BookLife Perfect 10 Rating • First Place Crime Fiction Page Turner Awards • First Place Fiction-Royal Dragonfly Book Awards • First Place Mystery-Royal Dragonfly Book Awards • First Place Audiobook-Royal Dragonfly Book Awards • Grand Finalist-Eric Hoffer Book Awards • Fiction Honorable Mention-Eric Hoffer Book Awards • Somerset Grand Prize Finalist Contemporary Fiction-Chanticleer International Book Awards • U.S. Review of Books recommended • Five-star Rated by Readers' Favorite