Kimberly Dark is a writer, sociologist and storyteller, working to reveal the hidden architecture of everyday life so that we can reclaim our power as social creators. She’s the author of Damaged Like Me, Fat, Pretty, and Soon to be Old, The Daddies and Love and Errors, and her essays, stories and poetry are widely published in academic and popular online publications alike. Her ability to make the personal political is grounded in her training as a sociologist, and you can find her course offerings in Sociology at Cal State San Marcos and Writing/Arts at Cal State Summer Arts.
Featured Work
Damaged Like Me - Essays on Love, Harm and Transformation

Social hierarchies cause damage. At the same time, people who have been damaged by this world—thrown away, marginalized, traumatized, oppressed—are more capable of apprehending harmful social patterns, precisely because they’ve needed to be vigilant about how the world works.
For too long, though, those with long-held rights and entitlements have claimed that survivors are biased about the very topics on which they have the greatest expertise.
This powerful collection of essays reveals a complex social landscape—a living map of pain, survival, and compassion. A mix of personal memoir and sociological acumen, each piece seeks to build roads to a more equitable and loving collective culture of body sovereignty, racial justice, and gender liberation. They demonstrate the humane insights, approaches, and knowledge of those on the receiving end of inequity and violence, those whose “objectivity” on issues of oppression has been consistently maligned despite their having the most to teach us.
Other Works
Fat, Pretty and Soon to be Old: A Makeover for Self and Society
The Daddies
Love and Errors
Ways of Being in Teaching