
James W. Graham’s first book, "Victura: the Kennedys, a Sailboat, and the Sea" (ForeEdge, an imprint of University Press of New England, 2014), earned widespread praise and was featured in major U.S. and international media. His book was a Chicago Book Review “Best Books of 2014” pick and a selection of “Chapter-A-Day®” on Wisconsin Public Radio, where it was read on-air over 10 days on 28 stations. Graham’s speaking engagements reached audiences coast-to-coast, in Germany (where it was published in translation by Mare), and at four Kennedy museums, including the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston. Media coverage of his book included numerous major market TV and radio outlets in the U.S., Germany (where it was published in translation) and France, plus the New York Times, Time Magazine online, HuffPost, Boston Globe, and on the cover of national boating magazines, including Soundings and Show Boats International.
As a public affairs professional, he was a media relations executive to a multi-national health care retailer and was a speechwriter and senior media and policy advisor to numerous state elected officials, including former Illinois Governor Jim Edgar.
After Graham earned undergraduate and graduate degrees in journalism, he spent 40 years in communications, media relations and government affairs. For more about his book Victura, see www.thevictura.com.

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