
Carol Strickland is author of a best-selling introduction to art history, The Annotated Mona Lisa: A Crash Course in the History of Art from Prehistoric to Post-Modern. Her volume The Annotated Arch: A Crash Course in the History of Architecture has also appeared in many translations. Recently she's released enhanced eBooks like her historical novel, The Eagle and the Swan (Erudition Digital of London), and a non-fiction history of the Impressionist movement called Impressionism: A Legacy of Light (the first in a series on art history from Erudition Digital called Masterpieces of Art). A former college professor, Strickland received a Ph.D. in American culture from the University of Michigan. Strickland was a frequent contributor of feature stories on the arts to The Christian Science Monitor and now writes for Art in America magazine and a monthly column for The Clyde Fitch Report. A prize-winning screenwriter, she has written for The New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and Art & Antiques magazine, among many other publications.

Other Works

  • The Illustrated Timeline of Art History: A Crash Course in Words and Pictures

    Prehistoric to contemporary era
  • The Annotated Arch: A Crash Course in the History of Architecture

    From ancient to contemporary
  • The Eagle and the Swan

    6th-century Constantinople, late Roman Empire
  • The Illustrated Timeline of Western Literature: A Crash Course in Words and Pictures

    3000 BCE-2007
  • Impressionism: A Legacy of Light

    1860s-early 20th century

Awards and Recognition

  • Numerous Screenplay awards