
Elisa is a New York Times profiled playwright, novelist, and journalist. Books include "The Devil You Say" and "Strong Spirits", published by Avon; "Cervix With A Smile: The Plays Of Elisa DeCarlo" published by Exit Press; and "The Abortionist's Daughter: A Novel" published by S&D Productions. Elisa has performed award-winning solo shows in theaters and colleges across the country.

Her comic blog "Diary Of A Mad Fashionista" (2003 - 2012) was turned into an off-off Broadway play. She was profiled by The New York Times:
"Personality Plus: A Twin Takes Over". She has written for New York Magazine and was a staff writer for Sarah Lawrence magazine. She is currently querying a queer fantasy novel, "The Princess And The Peeved, or, Heroes Don't Limp".

Elisa lives in New York City with her husband and Fletcher, her neurotic miniature pinscher.

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