
Jan Swafford's music has been played around the country and abroad by ensembles including the symphonies of St. Louis, Indianapolis, and the Dutch Radio; Boston's new-music groups Musica Viva, Collage, and Dinosaur Annex; and chamber ensembles including the Peabody Trio, the Chamber Orchestra of Tennessee, and the Scott Chamber Players of Indianapolis. Over the years his music has evolved steadily, but in all its avatars his work is forthrightly expressive, individual in voice, and steadily concerned with lucidity of texture and form. Beneath the surface there are contributions from world music, especially Indian and Balinese, and from jazz and blues. Currently he is writing an orchestral work for the 50th anniversary of Orchestra New England.

Also a well-known writer on music, Swafford is author of biographies of Ives, Brahms, Beethoven, and Mozart. His journalism has appeared in Slate, Guardian International, and Gramophone . He is a long-time program writer and preconcert lecturer for the Boston Symphony and has written program notes and essays for the orchestras of Cleveland, Chicago, San Francisco, Detroit, Ottawa, and Toronto, and for Carnegie Hall, the Metropolitan Opera, Aspen Music Festival, and Emerson Quartet. His liner notes appear in two recent DGG releases of the complete Beethoven symphonies. In 2012 his online writing won the Deems Taylor Award. His website is janswafford.com.

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