Being originally from Crimea, Ukraine, I have published 4 books in my native language. Besides that I am an author of song lyrics and thematically articles. As my educational background is astrology and psychology, my niche for writing is all about relationships in life and how « stars » influence people. Spiritual growth and self-knowledge. I also own and host the first astrology-based podcast for love and career seekers. My passion to broadcasting be writing is always dedicated to stars and relationships.
Featured Work
My Mister Destiny or 9 months
Young lady for married very fast and she got into tragic relationship with her older husband. He appeared to be an alcoholic. She tried to save her family but realized that she is losing herself and instead of waiting for Mr Destiny to come into her life, the only person she had to look for is herself. Finally being abused at home, main hero stars to write a diary about her pains and she leaves her husband in secret. She ran away and start new life as an author. Sometimes grief and trials help us to find ourselves.