
Elisa Korenne is an award-winning songwriter, writer, and performer. Her debut memoir about her cross-country move, Hundred Miles to Nowhere (North Star Press, 2017), was a finalist for the Nancy Pearl Book Award, the National Indie Excellence Book Awards, and the Next Generation Indie Book Awards. She won the Minnesota History Center’s short mystery contest and the Freddie Mystery Award. Elisa left New York City in 2006 to be an artist-in-residence in rural west central Minnesota, and stayed. She found her groove creating original songs and thematic live shows about oddballs in history. Since turning Minnesotan, Korenne has become known as a pioneering rural artist. Gull Lake TEDx chose Korenne to be a featured speaker. Prairie Public Television in Fargo, North Dakota commissioned her to create songs and appear in a series of ten mini-music documentaries of unusual people and events in the Upper Midwest. Visit www.elisakorenne.com for more.

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