I’m a recovering nuclear physicist who once blew up a nuclear reactor as a test.
My bio from The Kenyon Review: Boyd Norton is no stranger to risks. Since blowing up a nuclear reactor he has had close encounters with charging grizzly bears, poisonous snakes (he was bitten once), crazy bush pilots, snorting Cape buffaloes, rhino and elephant poachers, whitewater rapids, vertical mountain walls, Borneo headhunters, mountain gorillas, and Moscow taxi drivers. He is the author/photographer of seventeen books. Two of his books are collaborations—Baikal: Sacred Sea of Siberia (Sierra Club, 1992) with Peter Matthiessen and Divided Twins: Alaska and Siberia (Viking Press, 1988) with Yevgeny Yevtushenko.
My books have ranged in topics from African elephants to mountain gorillas and from Siberia’s Lake Baikal to the Serengeti ecosystem.
My current project is an autobiography, tentatively titled Tickling the Dragon’s Tail: A Life With Neutrons and Wilderness.
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Conservation Photography Handbook 2nd edition

A call to arms for photographers to use their cameras as a weapon to rally people to save wilderness