
Robert De Saro is the author of A Crisis Like No Other. Understanding and Defeating Global Warming. The author breaks down the subject into four parts, which can be thought of as four mini-books in one. The first part covers the psychology of global warming denial, how to defend ourselves against its lies and fake news, and how to convince others of global warming’s grave harm. The second part describes exactly what global warming is. The third answers the question what makes us so sure? Finally, the last part provides a road map showing us how to defeat global warming

Mr. De Saro has engineering degrees from the University of Michigan in 1973 and from MIT. He is president and founder of Energy Research Company and has spent many years as a researcher on various topics related to global warming. Some research areas are: producing hydrogen from biomass, disposing of spent nuclear fuel, reducing the energy use of industrial plants, etc. He has spent the last 40 years studying aspects of global warming, from both a technical side but also addressing why people deny global warming and what we can do to convince them.

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