

AURORA WINTER, MBA, is a successful serial entrepreneur, media trainer, and the founder of SamePagePublishing.com. She writes both fiction and non-fiction. Her nonfiction books will help you achieve your goals with greater clarity, certainty, and confidence. Her fiction books give you something fun and empowering to share with the whole family.

"Magic, Mystery, and the Multiverse" by Aurora Winter won four book awards prior to publication in August 2023.
"Turn Words Into Wealth" by Aurora Winter has won multiple book awards, including being honored as the 2022 "Outstanding Book of the Year" by IAN in the Writing/Publishing Category.

Aurora has written books since she fell in love with "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" at age 9. But she didn't start publishing her books until 2005 when Dr. Wayne Dyer endorsed her first book "From Heartbreak to Happiness."

Aurora left her lucrative career as a TV executive decades ago to become a full-time author, trainer, and entrepreneur. Using storytelling for business, she created a life of freedom, creativity, and contribution. Now she helps her clients create, publish, and promote books so they can turn their words into wealth, wisdom, and wonder. Aurora is a dual citizen and divides her time between British Columbia and California.

Aurora is a popular guest on podcasts and other broadcasts. She has been featured on ABC-TV, CBS-TV, KTLA-TV, CBC-TV, Hallmark Channel, Success magazine, Elle magazine, Maclean's magazine, The Huffington Post, and numerous podcasts.

To learn more, visit www.AuroraWinter.com and www.SamePagePublishing.com

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