
I spent over 30 years in Human Resources/Organizational Development for Fortune 1000 companies in specialty insurance, power and distribution transformers, and intelligent media delivery. During my tenure, I’ve coached thousands of people. I’ve listened to their trials, tribulations, injustice, hopes, dreams, and successes. I’ve witnessed how fear paralyzed many from having the courage to change their lives due to belief systems, childhood conditioning, and societal and cultural expectations. I’ve watched senior leadership teams poison cultures by rewarding tribal behavior so they remain in power. I’ve been a recipient and a role model for standing up against the tribe, refusing to compromise my integrity while enduring the punishment because I wouldn’t conform to the toxic behavior and treatment. The harder I pushed for justice, the harder they made my life. I was blamed, accused, and lied about because others felt entitled to take what was not theirs, to push me to conform to the folds of their controls. These experiences gave me the strength and perseverance to embark on a spiritual journey that transformed my life. I walked away from my executive position to pursue a lifelong dream of writing a book that would inspire others to have the courage to heal their trauma, reclaim their life, and return to their authentic self by living the life they desire - and, to be fearlessly authentic.