
Rachel is picture book author and writes historical fiction chapter books. She is an Adult Third Culture Kid (ATCK) who was born in the U.S. but spent most of her childhood living in Latin America and is now raising multicultural (and hopefully bilingual) children with her Latinx husband. As a result, she loves creating bilingual stories that introduce children to her childhood home and the joys and anxieties of the cross-cultural experience.

As a neurodivergent creator thriving with ADHD, Anxiety, and Depression, Rachel also enjoys creating stories that celebrate children with special brains and help them cope with big emotions in productive ways. Many of her books include social-emotional themes such as anxiety, loss, resilience, emotional intelligence, meditation, and mindfulness.

When Rachel isn’t writing, she enjoys walking her Bearded Collie along the river behind her house, playing board games, and rainy afternoons with a hot beverage and a good book.