
My essays have appeared on my blog, in “Tributes to Noam Chomsky on the occasion of his 90th Birthday” (MIT Press, 2019), in “Stethoscopes and Pencils,” (2020), at Chomsky.info, and on Reddit and other social media. The Chronicle of Higher Education published, “What It’s Like to Be Noam Chomsky’s Assistant” (2015). Christopher Lydon’s Open Source Radio interviewed me in 2017 about my years with Chomsky. My dog Roxy joined me at work for more than 13 years, until my retirement. She is one of my book's characters. We were featured in articles and graphic novels, and animated in Michel Gondry’s 2013 film, Is the Man who is Tall Happy? I’ve done stand-up comedy, and appeared on a TV news show talking backward, and performed a meditation skit I wrote on Cambridge Cable TV.

My book, "Chomsky and Me: A Memoir" is currently available (at a discount!) in paperback via print on demand from my publisher, ORBooks, with January 2023 delivery. The official hardcover release is slated for later this spring, exact date tbd.


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