
Rhonda is the CEO of Scholarship Strategist and have been working with families for many years. She learned about scholarship
programs for students in elementary through college, that covered everything from paid summer programs to
travel abroad, congressional internships and college scholarships. Along the way, Rhonda shared
her boundless energy and burgeoning knowledge about educational opportunities with other
parents, helping them to see possibilities for their children they might not otherwise have
considered, or worse—would have considered them out of reach altogether.
She is a requested speaker for communities, schools, and conferences and other events.
Rhonda has helped many students and their families successfully apply for and be awarded
approximately $10M in scholarship monies. For the Warrior Mom, it has been especially
satisfying to see this progress for students and families who might not otherwise have known
their student could be eligible for both the funds and the opportunities. And one thing to
remember, as a true advocate and activist for her children and others, Rhonda proudly wears the
title of Warrior Mom and Activist Mom! Rhonda has traveled the world and is currently writing an article for the Smithsonian Magazine about Africa. She is a volunteer for the Smithsonian and serves as an evaluator for U.S. Department of State study abroad programs for high school and college students. Rhonda is retired from the Department of Defense.

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