I am a professional copywriter living in the San Diego area, who has worked in the advertising industry since 2006. Since then, I have self-published books in several genres as a hobby, and have won awards for my efforts in some of the contests I have entered. Realizing my my greatest passion was for the suspense/thriller genre, I wrote and have recently published a psychological thriller novel entitled, Dead Ringer, which is available through the Amazon Books platform as of 11/2022. I am excited to take this book to market and open to advice on the best way to promote my work, as well as navigate the book promoters who have reached out to me.
Featured Work
Dead Ringer
This fast-paced psychological thriller includes actual events and takes place both in parts of San Diego and the Cinque Terra region of Italy. It is written in first person and narrated mostly by the top two characters in the story. I wrote this story to captivate adult readers of every age. It is riveting and suspenseful, with an sexy dash of spice added to complete the recipe for a page-turning experience.