Linda earned her MFA from VCFA and is thrilled to release, "Where's My Wine Glass?! Getting Your Kid to College Without Losing Your Mind" for all the beleagured parents of high school students. Linda is the founder of College Coaching with Care, a premier college prep service. She loves helping kids and snickering at her own jokes. "Where's My Wine Glass?!" received an Honorable Mention in the Erma Bombeck/Anna Lefler Humorist in Residence contest, whose judge said, "I would definitely read this book!"
Featured Work
Where's My Wine Glass?! Getting Your Kid to College Without Losing Your Mind

Where’s My Wine Glass?!, Getting Your Kid to College Without Losing Your Mind is a frolicking collection of humorous essays for
parents of high school students considering college. As a longtime college coach, private tutor, and parent of college graduates, Linda Presto takes parents on a journey through the highlight reel of what they hope will end in smarter kids and less laundry. Her sarcastic voice, no-nonsense tone, and years of experience make her America’s College Coach™, delivering a much-needed respite
from the insanity and competition of acceptance to college. Parents at this stage need a laugh and some straight talk about
the process and its pitfalls. Addressing subjects like college visits, university rankings, and empty nest syndrome, Linda’s personal
accounts and anecdotes from years of working with students and parents shed light on the universal nature of rearing children and
the parents who only want the best for them—that and they want them off their couch!
Other Works
Awards and Recognition
- Nonfiction Writers Association Silver Award for Humor Writing 2023
- Erma Bombeck's Humorist of the Month, June 2023