
Valerie Martin is the author of twelve novels, including Trespass, Mary Reilly, Italian Fever, and Property, four collections of short fiction, and a biography of St. Francis of Assisi . She has been awarded a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts and a John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship, as well as the Kafka Prize (for Mary Reilly) and Britain’s Women’s Prize (for Property.)

Valerie Martin’s most recent novel I Give It To You was published by Nan A. Talese/Random House in 2020. Sea Lovers, a volume of new and selected short fiction, also from Nan A. Talese, was published in August of 2015 and is now available in paper from Vintage press.

Three volumes of a trilogy for middle-grade readers Anton and Cecil: Cats at Sea, Anton and Cecil: Cats on Track, and Anton and Cecil: Cats Aloft, co-written with Valerie’s niece Lisa Martin, began publication from Algonquin in October of 2013. The final volume appeared in the fall of 2016.

Valerie Martin has taught in writing programs at Mt. Holyoke College, University of Massachusetts, and Sarah Lawrence College, among others. She resides in Madison, Ct.

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