
Metro DC-based writer Elizabeth Moore writes creative nonfiction, literary fiction, and poetry about place and the human relationship with it, with a special emphasis on parks and protected areas, wildlife, wilderness, conservation, and the role of art, religion, history, mythology, and philosophy in the stewardship of nature. Her work has appeared in Dive Training Magazine, VisittheUSA.com, CNN.com, and 2020’s America’s Marine Sanctuaries (Smithsonian Books) and is regularly featured on the website of a government park agency, most recently in two ongoing series of in-depth web articles. She has a BS in biology, an MS in oceanography, and several decades of experience as a conservation professional and communicator for the federal government. She is working on a book about the extinction of the Caribbean monk seal and its lessons for today’s conservation challenges. She can be found at @EMooreAuthor and elizabethmoore.org.