Karen was born in Akron, Ohio, and moved to Colorado after graduating from Kent State University with an Art Education Degree. Pursuing a love of nature instilled in her from childhood reading, she immediately took up hiking, backpacking, and photographing the beauty discovered on these adventures.
A need to explore all aspects of the American west drove her to live in other western states, including New Mexico and California, finally settling in Tucson, Arizona, where she can enjoy the beauty of the Sonoran desert year round.
Karen has been writing fiction since 2006, whenWilliam Grey, former editor and writer for “National Geographic,” read her first manuscript and told her that writing was worth pursuing. She educated herself, including reading books on how to write better and subscribing to “The Writer” magazine.
Since then, she has written short stories, vignettes and drafts of three novels. She has edited nonfiction since typing dissertations and theses in college and working as an assistant and paralegal for nearly thirty years. Retirement has given her more time to write, as well as review fiction and exchange critiques on line.
Karen is one more example that it is never too late to discover your passion and follow your dreams.
Featured Work
At What Cost, Silence?

A bisexual young man grapples with questions of integrity and masculinity as he and his unconventional sister and slave brother struggle for respect and a future between dark secrets and unbridled passions of two plantation dynasties.
Other Works
At What Cost, Silence?