Eilene Lyon became fascinated by history as a child when her parents took her to historic sites throughout the eastern states: Williamsburg, Fort Washington, Gettysburg, Bunker Hill, and others. Understanding how historic events impacted ordinary, unsung people, has become her life’s work.
She began researching her family in 1999, and started converting this research into narrative stories in 2013. She has published articles in Michigan History Magazine, Latah Legacy and other historical society and genealogical society publications. She has shared nearly 400 stories on her blog, Myricopia.com. Subjects include not only family history and flash memoir, but historical events and figures, ranging from Melvil Dewey (Dewey Decimal System) to Paula Murphy (history-making drag racer), and the first African-American newspaper to the eruption of Mt. St. Helens. She read one of her blogs on the podcast, “Our American Stories.”
Eilene is a member of the National Genealogical Society (NGS), Women Writing the West (WWW), Phi Kappa Phi, and the Southwest Colorado Genealogical Society (SWCOGEN), for which she serves as secretary.
Eilene has been a resident of Durango, Colorado, since 1985.