
A physician and medical geneticist, I am the author of seven published books, a few unpublished books, and numerous essays and stories that have appeared in Discover magazine, Ladies Home Journal, Reader's Digest, the Journal of the American Medical Association and other publications. Most of my writing involves medicine and medical training. My works include a novel, BORN TOO SOON, that was published by Doubleday, and non-fiction books including INTERN BLUES (William Morrow), THE BOY WHO FELT NO PAIN (Addison Wesley), LEARNING TO PLAY GOD (Addison Wesley), WAS GEORGE WASHINGTON REALLY THE FATHER OF OUR COUNTRY? (Addison Wesley), ROTATIONS (Harper Collins), and GENETIC ROUNDS (Kaplan). My work has been recognized with a Christopher medal and other awards.

Though I've written a fair amount, my main work involves academic medicine. I am a professor of pediatrics and obstetrics and gynecology and women's health at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and chief emeritus of the divisions of genetic medicine and developmental medicine at the Children's Hospital at Montefiore , where I've also served as Director of the Rose F. Kennedy University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities and the Children's Evaluation and Rehabilitation Center.

I live in Mamaroneck, New York with my wife, a retired high school science teacher and a menagerie of pets including dogs, cats, and snakes. We have three grown children and three grandchildren.

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