
I’m Grace Dobush, an American-born freelance journalist based in Berlin, Germany, and operating worldwide. I’m currently editing the ADP ReThink Quarterly, a new online publication about the power of the paycheck. My current work tends to fall in the intersection of business, technology and politics.
At the start of my career, I worked at the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review as a copy editor and paginator (and talked my way into writing a weekly column for a year). From there, I went to F+W Media in Cincinnati, where I worked on the staffs of Family Tree Magazine and The Artist’s Magazine, and later the design magazines HOW and Print. After I went freelance in 2012, I also stepped in as a maternity-cover managing editor for Writer’s Digest magazine and was a freelance copy editor for the Capitol Hill newspaper Roll Call.
I ran a small bookbinding and printmaking indie craft business from 2002 to 2016, and I’ve written about the design, DIY and craft industries for years. Inspired by my crafting years, I wrote the Crafty Superstar business guides for part-time crafters, and I co-founded the Crafty Supermarket craft show in Cincinnati and the Midwest Craft Con craft business conference in Columbus.
I've just sold my first novel, DAYTON BEACH, and hope it's the first of many.

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