
I was the kid that always checked out the maximum number of books every week at the library. My love of words and storytelling led me to journalism, where I enjoyed a long career as the News Director at a Nashville public radio station and radio network correspondent. Last year, I retired from WMOT-FM, a fiction and non-fiction writing teacher at Middle Tennessee State University and Watkins School of Art and Design.

My first literary, historical novel, Judge Fogg, was released in 2007 and nominated for an independent publisher's award. I recently sold a literary historical novel set in the Civil War era, Gettysburg by Morning, to Addison and Highsmith, with publication set for Fall 2021. An unpublished novel, Creation's Fire, was a finalist in the Peter Taylor Novel Writing Contest, and a revised manuscript just missed winning the SFK Novel Contest. Gettysburg by Morning was a 2019 ScreenCraft Books to Screen contest semifinalist.

I've had two scripts, a quarterfinalist, and a semifinalist script, in the Nicholl Fellowship contest and have signed four options with producers.

Currently, I contract as a profiler and book reviewer for AudioFile magazine.

Other Works

  • Judge Fogg
