Michael Favala Goldman is a widely-published translator of Danish literature, a poet, educator, and jazz clarinetist. Over 130 of Michael's translations and poems have appeared in journals such as The Harvard Review, World Literature Today, and The Columbia Journal. He has translated 16 books of Danish poetry and prose, including The Water Farm Trilogy, Farming Dreams, and Something To Live Up To, Selected Poems of Benny Andersen. His first book of poetry, Who has time for this? came out in 2020. His second book, Small Sovereign is forthcoming in 2021. He lives in Northampton, MA, where he has been running bi-monthly poetry critique groups since 2018. www.hammerandhorn.net
Featured Work
Who has time for this?

In his debut poetry collection, Michael Favala Goldman invites us into our paradoxical relationship with time, which feels both long and brief. The poems are succinct, ironic, touching, and do not waste the reader's time. Subjects include, among other things, ice skating, mangoes, pinball, skipping stones, and gambling. Goldman draws on his experience as a remodeling carpenter, a jazz musician, a Danish translator, a gardener and a parent, to reveal minute victories and failures, filling time from different perspectives.
Other Works
The Starveling by Cecil Bødker
New and Selected Poems of Knud Sørensen
Liberated – Selected essays by Suzanne Brøgger
Erik Knudsen – Selected Poems
Malvina by Cecil Bødker, Book 3 of The Water Farm trilogy
Certain Days – Selected Poems of Benny Andersen, Vol II
Inheritance – Selected Poems of Cecil Bødker
The Water Farm by Cecil Bødker, Book 2 of The Water Farm Trilogy
The Way It Seems – Selected short stories by Knud Sørensen
Something To Live Up To _ Selected Poems of Benny Andersen
Fragments of a Mirror – selected essays by Knud Sønderby
Stories about Tacit by Cecil Bødker, book 1 of The Water Farm Trilogy
Average Neuroses – Selected poems of Marianne Koluda Hansen