Professor of the University of Houston. Academic Director of the Technology Leadership & Innovation Management Program, Faculty Senator for Research & Scholarship. Security specialist, with leadership role in the maritime industry. Coast Guard Aux. Honorary Member. Research Grants as PI and Co-PI have exceeded $1,650,000.
Research focuses on homeland security, policy analysis, political science, transnational criminal networks, quantitative & qualitative data analytics, diplomacy and geopolitics, risk management, emergency response, maritime, economics, transportation, etc.
(PI) Maria Burns 17STBTI00001-02-05 - Department of Homeland Security, 01/15/18- 07/31/21 'Course Curriculum Development, Border Management / Cross Border Trade,’ BTI Center of Excellence. $240,853.40. (Development of 14 undergraduate, and 13 graduate HSE courses, 2 minors, and 2 training programs.)
(PI) Chris Bronk, (CO-PI) Maria Burns, (CO-PI) Kevin Clement, SLMAQM20CA2381 Department of State, 09/30/20- 09/29/22 ‘Training Curriculum Development, Security And Strategic Trade Management Academy’. $712,166.00.
(PI) Maria Burns, SLMAQM20CA2381 Department of State, 09/30/22- 09/29/23 ‘Training Curriculum Development, Security And Strategic Trade Management Academy’. $269,000.00.
(PI) Maria Burns, 2015-ST-061-BSH001– Department of Homeland Security (Y1), Evaluating and Predicting the Operational Effectiveness of Cargo Security Technologies,’ BTI Center of Excellence: 2015-2016, Y1: $133,836.00; Y2: $94,071.00.
DOCTORAL THESIS: - Burns, M (2022) Human Trafficking In The U.S.: Implementing Federal And State Policy Analysis, Network Analysis, Policy Diffusion, And Multivariate Data Analytics To Investigate Modern Day Slavery. Doctoral Dissertation. The University of Houston, Department of Political Science. 400 Pages.
1. Burns M. Port Management & Operations. Published by Routledge/Taylor & Francis / CRC Press, 1st Edition, 405 Pages, June 2014, USA.
2. Burns M., Logistics and Transportation Security: A Strategic, Tactical and Operational Guide to Resilience. 1st Edition, 395 Pages, Published by Routledge/Taylor & Francis / CRC Press, September 2015, USA.
3. Burns M., Energy Security & Critical Infrastructure, 1st Edition, 400 Pages, Published by Routledge /Informa/Taylor & Francis / CRC Press (2019), UK & USA.
4. Burns M., Maritime Security & Management, 1st Edition, 400 Pages, Published by Routledge /Informa/Taylor & Francis / CRC Press (2023, in print), UK & USA.
1. Yoku Shaw Taylor (2023) "Immigration, the Borderlands, and the Resilient Homeland". Chapter by Burns M.: Border Management And Immigration:
A Convergence For Socio-Economic Growth
2. Chief Editor: Vickerman, R.. (2021) International Encyclopedia of Transportation,
Chapter by Burns M.: Safety and Security in Logistics. Elsevier, USA. 1st Edition, 7,136 Pages, May 2021. Editors: Vickerman, R., Noland, R. Ettema, D. et.al.
3. Chief Editor: Vickerman, R.. (2021) International Encyclopedia of Transportation,
Chapter by Burns M.: Port Management. Elsevier, USA. 1st Edition, 7,136 Pages, May 2021. Editors: Vickerman, R., Noland, R. Ettema, D. et.al.
- Burns M. (2021a) Policy Analysis, Taxonomy and Geospatial Diffusion. Modelling of Human Trafficking in the U.S. Southwestern Social Science Association. Annual Meeting, Paper, Conference Proceedings. April 2021.
- Burns M. (2021b) Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on Human Trafficking. A sociopolitical analysis based on web-scraping and data analysis techniques. Southwestern Social Science Association. Annual Meeting, Paper, Conference Proceedings. April 2021.
- Burns M. (2021c) Policy Taxonomy and Geospatial Diffusion. Modeling of Human Trafficking in the U.S. Southwestern Social Science Association. Annual Meeting, Paper, Conference Proceedings. April 2021.
- Burns, M. (2021d). A strategy for post-Covid-19. The imperative to reconfigure the supply chain.. London, Uk & Massachusetts, USA: Reuters & MIT University. (Technical Report) https://sheffi.mit.edu/sites/sheffi.mit.edu/files/2021-02/NA%20Petrochemical_Reuters.pdf
- Burns, M. (2019a). Containerized cargo security. How supply chain vulnerabilities
impact processing times at U.S. ports of entry. Journal of Transportation Security.
- Burns, M. (2019b) Ports of the Future: Why Security is the Measure of Port Intelligence. The Journal of Ports and Terminals (PTI) Port Technology 2019 (89), 18
- Burns M. (2019c) Energy Security & Critical Infrastructure, 1st Edition, 400 Pages, Published by Informa/Taylor & Francis / CRC Press (2019), UK & USA.\
- Burns, M. (2018). Participatory Operational Assessment on homeland
security risks: an empirical research method for improving security beyond the
borders through public/private partnerships. Journal of Transportation Security. 11.
- Burns, M. (2016) “Evaluating and predicting the operational effectiveness of cargo security at ports of entry.” U.S. Department of Homeland Security, BTI Center of Excellence: 1/2016 –12/2018.
- Burns, M. (2015), Logistics and Transportation Security: A Strategic, Tactical and Operational Guide to Resilience. 1st Edition, 395 Pages, Published by Taylor & Francis / CRC Press, September 2015, USA.
9. Burns, M. (2017). The Paradox of Energy Security. National Academies, AASHTO, SCOTSEM, SCOHT, TRB, Washington DC, Conference.
10. Burns, M. (2014a) Assessing the Vulnerability Risks at major seaports: a comparative analysis between the major Ports of the US Gulf, Society of Naval Architects & Marine Engineers (Conference Proceedings).
11. Burns M. and Merryman, S. (2014b) Economic and Environmental Impact Assessment of the Ballast Water Treatment Management Regulations, International Association of Maritime Economists, Annual Conference, Norfolk VA, June 2014. Maritime Economics and Logistics, IAME Conference.
12. Burns M. (2014c) Ensuring Optimum Resilience in Marine Transportation: Extended Applications of the Maritime Security Risk Analysis Model and the Dynamic Risk Management Model. Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington DC (Conference Proceedings).
13. Burns M. (2014d) Supply Chain Security: A Strategy to Resilience through Policies, Partnerships, and Technologies. DHS Workshop for Supply Chain Security. Houston – April 23, 2014
14. Burns M., (2014e) Security in Intermodal and Marine Transportation: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats Analysis, TRB of the National Academies, Washington D.C., January 2014.
15. Burns M., (2014f) A Texas Tale of Logistics and Transport in the Land “Where 17 Railroads Meet the Sea”. Houston History Magazine. https://houstonhistorymagazine.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/The-History-of-Logistics-by-Maria-Burns.pdf
16. Burns M. (2013a) The economic impact of Supply Chain Security : Financial tradeoffs between Supply Chain Security and Efficiency, Journal of Transportation Security; DOI:10.1007/s12198-013-0119-x, 2013a.
17. Burns M., (2013c) Effectiveness Evaluation of the Maritime Security Risk Analysis Model and the Dynamic Risk Management Model. National Academies, Washington DC, (Conference Proceedings), January 2013.
18. Burns M., (2013b) Supply Chain Security : Financial tradeoffs between Supply Chain Security and Efficiency, National Academies, Washington DC (Conference Proceedings), Washington DC, January 2013.
19. Burns M., (2013d) Environmental Vulnerability and Economic Growth: Assessing the Offshore Drilling and Seaports Activities in the US Gulf”, Deep Offshore Technology (DOT) International Conference, Houston-Texas, October 2013.
20. Burns, M. (2013e) Maritime Economic & Transportation Outlook: A New Era Ahead. Breakbulk Americas” – Executive Presentation, New Orleans, September 2013.
• American Political Science Association
• The U.S. Coast Guard Aux., Honorary Member since 2012
• Southwestern Social Science Association
• Transportation Research Board of the National Academies – since 2012
• American Finance Association
• American Economic Association
• International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME)
• Association for Supply Chain Management (ASCM)
Maritime Book ranked #2 among the 'Top 8 Maritime & Port Management Books', The Maritime Insight newspaper. (2018) https://www.marineinsight.com/shipping-books/port-management-books/
Maritime book Ranked among the 'Top 3' among the 'Seven Books to Better Understand the Shipping Industry', The Maritime Executive Journal. (2017). https://maritime-executive.com/blog/seven-books-to-better-understand-the-shipping-industry
Reuters News: "Vessels will avoid areas lacking cleaner maritime fuel" (2019). https://www.reuters.com/article/us-shipping-imo-2020-fueloil-idUSKBN1XV01U
NASDAQ Stock Exchange "Vessels will avoid areas lacking cleaner maritime fuel," (2019). https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/vessels-will-avoid-areas-lacking-cleaner-maritime-fuel-panel-2019-11-20
CW39 Houston TV. "Hyperloop coming to Texas but not necessarily Houston" (2018) https://cw39.com/cw39/inside-story-hyperloop-coming-to-texas-but-not-necessarily-houston/
Houstonia Magazine "Elon Musk’s Latest Project Could Come to Houston" (2018) https://www.houstoniamag.com/news-and-city-life/2018/01/elon-musk-hyperloop-houston-texas
Safety4Sea "Potential low sulphur fuel shortages may appear in some ports" https://safety4sea.com/potential-low-sulphur-fuel-shortages-may-appear-in-some-ports/
Ship & Bunker News "Shortages of Compliant Fuel in Some Ports, Conference Hears" https://shipandbunker.com/news/am/974482-shortages-of-compliant-fuel-in-some-ports-conference-hears
Finance Yahoo "Vessels will avoid areas lacking cleaner maritime fuel" https://finance.yahoo.com/news/vessels-avoid-areas-lacking-cleaner-001949652.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9nby5hdXRob3JzZ3VpbGQub3JnLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAB-MxHXJIS0TTiSTJfAaOIvAxUcISxU7mTwsN_K9che13qimTvn7lHyGhInNu8gmbDyUquHYBIqvuqa-RQRt_v6eBhzz_oOtdoWrSVCNPvy5BGSnQ6s1CJYLBoTv-G1_2hDuHCwtx6FsGMZGCYsnaB9G1nnmipmd3spLLT11BERs
Radio Interview: Port Of Houston Says It’s Ready For Business From An Expanded Panama Canal (2016) https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/news/2016/06/22/157865/port-of-houston-says-its-ready-for-business-from-an-expanded-panama-canal/
Marketplace: Houston spends millions to woo post-Panamax ships (2016)
Houston Public Media: No Long-Term Economic Impact Expected From Houston Ship Channel Closure (2019)
1. TLIM 4397 Project Leadership
2. TLIM 4378 Senior Project (Practicum)
3. TLIM 4371 Leading change in the Workplace
4. TLIM 3371 Budgeting and Financial Principles
5. TLIM 3365 Team Leadership
6. TLIM 3340 Org Leadership and Supervision
7. TLIM 4397 Homeland Security
8. TLIM 4397 Border Management
9. TLIM 4397 Special Problems (various courses on Security)
10. SCLT 4380 Quality Systems
11. SCLT 3375 Maritime Operations
12. SCLT 3376 Global Trade Intermediaries
13. SCLT 3340 Geography for Global Supply Chain
14. SCLT 3384 Logistics Tech and Processes
1. Introduction to Homeland Security (Core requirement)
2. Fundamentals of Border Operations Management
3. Customs Regulations and Procedures
4. Capstone Project
5. Border Agencies and Strategic Border Management
6. Ethics and Governance in Border Management
7. Borders Security and Cross-Border Challenges
Concentration on TRADE AND TRANSPORT**
1. Tariff Classification and Free Trade Agreements
2. Transportation Law and Border Regulations
3. International Trade Treaties and Conventions
Concentration on MIGRATION **
1. History of Migration and U.S. Migration Patterns
2. US Immigration Law and Policies
3. Global Landscape of Forced Migration
1. Strategic Planning of Operations Management
2. Strategic Management Theories and Methods
3. Organizational Behavior, Leadership, and Change Management
4. Risk Assessment and Threat Management
5. Research methods and data-driven decision-making
6. Cross-Border Transportation Management
7. Innovation and Emerging Technologies in Border Operations Management
8. Customs, Immigration, and Border Management
9. Best Practices in Border Operations Management
10. Multinational and Interagency Cross-Border Management
11. Ethical Leadership and Governance in Border Management
12. Border Security and Cross-Border Challenges
13. Master's Thesis
Executive Leadership (3 Certificates) & Executive Budgeting and Finance (3 Certificates)
Link: https://www.uh.edu/technology/programs/professional/ex-leadership-budget/index.php
Level 1: Fundamentals in Logistics and Supply Chain
Level 2: International Transportation
Level 3: Advanced International Logistics
Certificate Level 1: Fundamentals in Maritime Business
Certificate Level 2: International Shipping
Certificate Level 3: Advanced International Maritime Business
Featured Work
TEDx Talk: COVID-19 and the Upsurge of Human Trafficking | Dr. Maria Burns | TEDxSugarLand

In 2020 the world encountered 2 pandemics. One was well known, but the other went unnoticed. The unspoken pandemic was the significant increase in human trafficking globally. Maria discusses the change in trafficking and provides suggestions on how everyone can help combat this heinous problem. Maria G. Burns is the Director of the Technology, Leadership, and Innovation Management Program at the University of Houston, and an elected University Senator for Research and Scholarship, and elected Vice President of the Texas Academy of Science. A respected public speaker, she was featured in Reuters, Nasdaq Stock Exchange, Yahoo Finance, ABC13, CW39, Marketplace, Houston Chronicles, etc.
Her Doctoral Thesis focuses on Human Trafficking, data analysis, and policy analysis.
Her Government Grants with the Department of Homeland Security and the State Department exceed $1,650,000. A prolific author and course developer, she has authored 3 books on energy, maritime, and transport security; 10 Maritime Security Manuals, and numerous academic and training courses. Her writings have granted her a prestigious Honorary Membership at the U.S. Coast Guard Aux., and recognition by the Texas Department of Public Safety, TEMAC, University of Houston's Provost Office, etc.
Other Works
Managing Energy Security. An All Hazards Approach to Critical Infrastructure
Containerized cargo security at the U.S. – Mexico border: how supply chain vulnerabilities impact processing times at land ports of entry
Ports of the Future: Why Security is the Measure of Port Intelligence
Cargo Theft and Logistics Security
Participatory Operational & Security Assessment on Homeland Security Risks: An Empirical Research Method for Improving Security Beyond The Borders Through Public/Private Partnerships
National Academies: The paradox of Energy Security
Logistics and Transportation Security A Strategic, Tactical, and Operational Guide to Resilience
Port Management and Operations
A Texas Tale of Logistics and Transport in the Land “Where 17 Railroads Meet the Sea”, 100 Years on the Houston Ship Channel
Assessing the Environmental Vulnerability Risks at major seaports: a comparative analysis between the major Ports of the US Gulf
Economic and Environmental Impact Assessment of the Ballast Water Treatment Management Regulations
DHS: Supply Chain Security: A Strategy to Resilience through Policies, Partnerships, and Technologies. DHS Supply Chain Security Workshop
National Academies: Security in Intermodal and Marine Transportation: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats Analysis
Strategic Environmental Assessment in the Offshore Industry: An Econometric and Empirical Study
National Academies: MSRAM. Effectiveness Evaluation of the Maritime Security Risk Analysis Model and the Dynamic Risk Management Model
Estimating the impact of maritime security: financial tradeoffs between security and efficiency
National Academies: Ensuring Optimum Resilience in Marine Transportation: Extended Applications of the Maritime Security Risk Analysis Model & the Dynamic Risk Management Model
Literary anthroponymy: decοding the characters of Homer’s Odyssey
Cerebral evolution: The making of a genius and the theory of intellectual motivators
Awards and Recognition
- US Coast Guard Aux., Lifetime Honorary Member
- "Port Management and Operations" Book is Ranked #3 among the "Seven Books to Better Understand the Shipping Industry," by the Maritime Executive Publishing House, and among the "Top 3 Maritime & Port Management Books" per the Marine Insight Journal.
- “Excellence in Emergency Management Award” by the Emergency Management Association of Texas (EMAT).
- Certificate of Excellence, the Department of Public Safety (DPS)
- Certificate of Excellence in Research, the University of Houston Provost's Office
- Best Graduate Dissertation Award, Master of Science in International Trade & Transport from the London Metropolitan University, UK.
- Best Dissertation Award from Taylor & Francis Publishers, UK for her Graduate Dissertation, LondonMet
- Private Sector Advisory Council (PSAC), Membership, whose role is to advise the Governor of Texas in matters of security.
- Co-Founder of BTI & Thrust Lead for Education & Workforce Development, BTI Institute, UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON.
- Elected Faculty Senator of Research and Scholarship (2021-2024) at the University of Houston.
Press and Media Mentions
- Maritime Book ranked #2 among the 'Top 8 Maritime & Port Management Books', The Maritime Insight newspaper. (2018)
- Maritime book Ranked among the 'Top 3' among the 'Seven Books to Better Understand the Shipping Industry', The Maritime Executive Journal. (2017).
- Reuters News: "Vessels will avoid areas lacking cleaner maritime fuel" (2019).
- NASDAQ Stock Exchange "Vessels will avoid areas lacking cleaner maritime fuel," (2019).
- CW39 Houston TV. "Hyperloop coming to Texas but not necessarily Houston" (2018)
- Houstonia Magazine "Elon Musk’s Latest Project Could Come to Houston" (2018)
- Safety4Sea "Potential low sulphur fuel shortages may appear in some ports"
- Ship & Bunker News "Shortages of Compliant Fuel in Some Ports, Conference Hears"
- Finance Yahoo "Vessels will avoid areas lacking cleaner maritime fuel"