I am a doctoral student in the Ph.D. Degree program in the Department of Criminal Justice at Liberty University.
For my doctoral dissertation, I am researching the murders of Andrew and Abby Borden which occurred in their Fall River, Massachusetts home on August 4, 1892. I am also working on a nonfiction book about the Borden murders.
Academic Degrees and Honors:
Bachelor of Arts Degree - English - Oakland University
Bachelor of Arts Degree - Criminal Justice - University of Nevada, Las Vegas -
Cum Laude Honors
Master of Science Degree - Criminal Justice - University of Cincinnati - Alpha Phi
Sigma National Criminal Justice Honor Society
Featured Work
Solving the Borden Murders: A Forensic Analysis of Criminal Event Evidence
Andrew and Abby Borden were murdered in their Fall River, Massachusetts home on August 4, 1892. Although Lizzie Borden, Andrew Borden's daughter, was quickly arrested and prosecuted for these murders, she was subsequently acquitted of both murders in her June 1893 criminal trial. The murders of Andrew and Abby Borden remain technically unsolved as of this date.
I am researching the Borden murders for both my doctoral dissertation and a nonfiction book. In both my doctoral dissertation and my nonfiction book, I will provide a comprehensive review and analysis of available criminal event details and crime scene evidence, the original investigative process, victimology, and a behavioral analysis of the most likely perpetrator of the murders of Andrew and Abby Borden in their Fall River, Massachusetts home on August 4, 1892.
Please note that I am still researching this landmark American criminal case for my doctoral dissertation, and that I have not yet submitted the final copy of my dissertation to relevant faculty at Liberty University.
A draft copy of my doctoral dissertation is currently available on my LinkedIn page: www.linkedin.com/in/tari-mcneil-b884321b0