
Linda is a Chef honors graduate of Aguste Escoffier Culinary School. ISSA® Certified Nutritionist, Certified Kidney Health Coach, Author, an educational instructor, and a caregiver to her husband who has stage 3 kidney disease.

She was a culinary consultant for American Kidney Fund®, and many of her recipes are available on their Kidney Kitchen® website, she also provided cooking demos, webinars, and educational content for their blog.

She has also taught educational classes in her local area, oversees three online support groups, and does informational guest spots and cooking demonstrations for medical professionals wanting to learn more about the method and recommending it to patients.

She has done cooking demonstrations for the National Kidney Foundation®. She has been in Culinary Entrepreneurs® magazine and has worked with dieticians to further a client’s kidney diet success.

Her books are available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Other Works

  • The How to Eat for CKD Method, The Basic Essentials

  • The How to Eat for CKD Method, The Core Method

  • CKDelicious!
