
Ann Steiner, PhD., MFT, CGP, (Certified Group Psychotherapist), AGPA-F (American Group Psychotherapy Association Fellow), is a nationally recognized author and psychotherapist. She is also a dynamic professional speaker and trainer. Audiences describe her passion for the transformative power of groups as contagious.

As a former wheelchair user, she presents motivational/inspirational keynotes and workshops to medical illness organizations from the US to Costa Rica and the Czech Republic. A licensed psychotherapist for 30 years, she has also been invited to deliver keynote addresses, workshops and trainings throughout the U.S. and internationally for a wide range of organizations.

She served on the American Group Psychotherapy Association’s Board, The board of the International Human Learning Resources Network and the National Speakers Association of Northern California, was Co-Chair of their Health & Medical Issues Special Interest Group for 7 years, and was one of the founding members of their Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Task Force members with which she is still active

She served as Associate Clinical Professor, U.C.S.F. Medical Center, S.F., for 14 years, and was instrumental in the design and formation of The Psychotherapy Institute’s Group Therapy Training Program since it’s inception in 2005, where she continues to serve as a consultant.

As a keynote speaker and presenter, she gives workshops about group leadership, empowering groups, living fully with chronic medical issues, life transitions, and stress management.

She has authored over 30 articles published in professional journals and books. In addition:
• Green Pastures, under the auspices of Grace Yung, Ph.D., in Hong Kong, translated/ published her most recent book for the general public into traditional Chinese characters and simplified Chinese for readers in Mainland China, Singapore and Malaysia. Green Pastures has also agreed to translate/ publish her book for therapists, "How to Create and Sustain Groups that Thrive: Therapist's Workbook and Planning Guide" into Chinese in 2024.
• Routledge recently released the Third Edition of "How to Create and Sustain Groups that Thrive: Therapist's Workbook and Planning Guide", a collection of guidelines and templates to assist group psychotherapists. Topics covered include: "How to Facilitate Healthy Termination in Groups," the "Nuts and Bolts of Starting and Maintaining Healthy Groups," "Designing Group Agreements that Fit Your Group," etc. Release date: 2020.
• Published "Help Your Group Thrive: Workbook and Planning Guide", Routledge Books, London. This easy-to-use manual guides leaders of groups of ALL kinds—discussion groups, peer support groups, organizations, and workplace teams. It provides leadership and facilitation tools, sample group agreements, and numerous modifiable forms for starting and maintaining groups that thrive.
• Authored numerous articles about living with chronic illness, and the challenges and joys of group therapy.
• Produced a downloadable back-up system for therapists, entitled "The Therapist's Professional Will: The Complete Guide™," described as the definitive guide for therapists committed to their clients' well being in the event of the therapist's absence. Currently writing an updated, downloadable version to be available to therapists in 2024.
• Produced an MP3 version of The Rollercoaster of Chronic Illness: How to Add Joy to the Ride, the title of her self-help book, which is in progress
• Was featured in an inspirational photo-essay book about women who have dealt with major obstacles Believing in Ourselves: A Celebration of Women, Andrews McMeel, 2002.

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