
Gary D. Gottfredson is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Counseling, Higher Education, and Special Education at the University of Maryland College Park.
Gottfredson earned a Ph.D. in psychology from Johns Hopkins University in 1976. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and two of its Divisions (Measurement, Evaluation and Statistics; and Counseling Psychology). He is also a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science, and a Fellow of the Academy of Experimental Criminology. He received the John L. Holland Award for Outstanding Achievement in Career and Personality Research from the Society for Counseling Psychology. His research has involved career assessment, vocational interests, occupational classification and analysis, program development and evaluation, delinquency and drug prevention, and organization climate and development. He is the author of several assessment tools used by counselors including the Dictionary of Holland Occupational Codes, the Position Classification Inventory for assessing work environments, and the Career Attitudes and Strategies Inventory (all with John Holland); the Effective School Battery and the School Diversity Inventory, both for assessing school climate. He is author of publications for career counselors, including “Environments: Diversity in Theoretical Foundations of Career Intervention” and “Using Holland’s Theory to Assess Environments” both written with ZiYoung Kang in the 2015 American Psychological Association Handbook of Career Intervention. He is also editor of a recent biographical account of the life, work, and contributions to psychology of John L. Holland (with co-editor Jack R. Rayman).

Other Works

  • Dictionary of Holland Occupational Codes
