
b, Dec,14, 1942--Evanston Illinois
Abbreviated resume-Primary & secondary schooliing in Ohio and Florida.
BS-Davidson College, '64, LA second, teach cred., 'Tulane, '67, Married Jeannette, 68, son, Joel,
b. 68, son Will, b. 73,MA US History, San Jose State,'70.
Taught science and US History, Bakersfield, Santa Barbara (UCSB), SSF Peninsula (Castilleja)
Calif. LVN license, '78, staff nurse-Veterans Adm. Hosp., Palo Alto, '78-80, staff nurse, acute
care, Memorial Hosp.. Santa Rosa, Ca, 80=84
Publications< "Killing for Land in Early California," 2005, "Yanks in the Redwoods," 2011,
"Blood Will Tell Carving Up Early California from Col. Juan Bautista De Anza to Jasper