Christine Kohler is the author of NO SURRENDER SOLDIER (Merit Press/Simon Pulse/Simon & Schuster.) Kohler has 17 fiction and NF books published. She is also published in articles, poetry and photography. A graduate of the University of Hawaii, she lived in Japan and Guam, the setting for NO SURRENDER SOLDIER.
Kohler was a foreign correspondent for Gannett and an editor and copy editor for the San Antonio Express-News. Kohler worked as a media specialist, teacher, and writing instructor for the Institute of Children's Literature.
Featured Work
Silent No More: Bible Women Speak Up, a Poetic Meditation

Silent No More: Bible Women Speak Up is a collection of 35 persona
poems—free-verse, villanelles, sestinas, haikus, reader’s theater—in which women of the Bible tell their own stories. The poems reach into the heart of how women in Bible times felt emotionally about their situations. Most are from a time in the women’s lives not usually taught in Sunday School or sermons. This poetry book is ideal for use in Bible studies, church settings, devotionals, or individual enjoyment.
Other Works
Awards and Recognition
- NO SURRENDER SOLDIER, (SimonPulse/Simon & Schuster) -- ALA's 2014 YALSA Quick Pick list nominations, Military Writers Society of America (MWSA) Award for YA; MUSIC PERFORMANCE: VOCALS & BAND (Rosen) Junior Library Guild selection