Loree writes true stories for curious people of all ages. Her books for children have won many accolades, including American Library Association Notable designations, a Boston Globe-Horn Book Honor Book Award, an IRA Children’s Book Award, a Green Earth Book Award, and two Science Books & Films (SB&F) Prizes. Her essays for adults have been published in magazines like Yankee and honored in journals like Flyway.
Featured Work
Honeybee Rescue: A Backyard Drama

Beekeeper John Connery has a problem: a colony of honeybees has moved out of their backyard hive box and into his ramshackle garage. With a New England winter on the horizon, the bees aren’t likely to survive if they stay there. But how does one relocate 70,000 honeybees and their honeycomb? Enter Mr. Jon Nelson, bee rescuer. This is one backyard drama you don’t want to miss.
Other Works
You're Invited to a Moth Ball: A Nighttime Insect Celebration
Life on Surtsey, Iceland's Upstart Island
Handle with Care: An Unusual Butterfly Journey
Beetle Busters: A Rogue Insect and the People Who Track It
Citizen Scientists: Be a Part of Scientific Discovery from Your Own Backyard
The Hive Detectives: Chronicle of a Honey Bee Catastrophe
Tracking Trash: Flotsam, Jetsam, and the Science of Ocean Motion
Awards and Recognition
- Boston Globe-Horn Book Honor Book Award
- International Reading Association (IRA) Children's Book Award
- SB&F Prize for Excellence in Science Books
- Green Earth Book Award