Carla Blank is a writer, editor, director and dramaturge. Her most recent publication is a collection of her essays from 2003-2024, "A Jew in Ramallah and other Essays," published by Baraka Books November 1, 2024. Her two volume textbook anthology of theater and dance activities, "Live On Stage! (1996, 2000)" was co-authored with Jody Roberts. She is author and editor of the 20th century historical reference "Rediscovering America: The Making of Multicultural America, 1900-2000 (2003)" which carries the imprimatur of Before Columbus Foundation. Her non-fiction book, "Storming the Old Boys’ Citadel: Two Pioneer Women Architects of Nineteenth Century North America (2014)," was co-authored with Canadian architectural historian Tania Martin.
With Ishmael Reed, she co-edited the anthologies "Bigotry on Broadway (2021)" and "Pow-Wow: Charting the Fault Lines in the American Experience, Short Fiction, From Then to Now (2009)," and was contributing editor on three other anthologies edited by Reed: "Totems to Hip-Hop: A Multicultural Anthology of Poetry Across the Americas, 1900-2002 (2003)"; "MultiAmerica, Essays on Cultural Wars and Cultural Peace (1997)"; and "Califia, The California Poetry (1979)".
She is Editorial Director of Ishmael Reed Publishing Company where among the most recent titles she has supervised through production are "Paper Gods and Rebels (2013)," a collection of poetry by Genny Lim; "Courtesans of Founder Hill (2015)" and "Rock Piles Along the Eddy (2017)," the first and second poetry collections by Alaskan Inupiaq and Tlingit writer Ishmael Hope; the posthumous publication of "King Comus," a novel by William Demby (2018); "Guayacan," a new poetry collection by Victor Hernandez Cruz (2023); and "The Plague Edition of Konch Magazine (2024).
Featured Work
A Jew in Ramallah and other Essays

This wide-ranging collection of essays explores various milestones and landmarks of American music, theatre, dance–and life in general. From Elvis Presley to Kabuki, from dance to destruction, Blank dissects how culture, society and politics have intersected–sometimes for the better, often not. The title essay, written after the events of October 7, 2023, looks back on a three-month residency in Ramallah in 2013 and how this insight and experience has shaped Blank’s understanding of both art and conflict. Blank’s long career as a working artist in multiple sectors lends this collection a unique authority and searing insight that is both refreshing and much needed.
In addition, in an exclusive interview with her partner Ishmael Reed, we learn how a curious young Jewish woman from Pittsburgh developed into a committed and eloquent public intellectual.
Other Works
"Bigotry on Broadway, an anthology"