
Tim Stroshane authored Drought, Water Law, and the Origins of California’s Central Valley Project (University of Nevada Press, 2016). After a 15-year career as an urban planner in Berkeley, from 2009 to 2023 he worked as a water policy consultant, most recently with Restore the Delta where he oversaw a four-year environmental justice and water rights case against California WaterFix before state water regulators. Since 2019 he has authored critiques for RTD of the state’s proposed Delta Conveyance Project, and helped launch a coalition of Delta environmental justice (EJ) groups and Delta-identified California Indian Tribes to petition the State Water Resources Control Board and United States Environmental Protection Agency with civil rights complaints and water quality rule-making on behalf of the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary and its communities. He has also helped train up a committed group of young activists employed by RTD and other local Stockton NGOs aiming to increase Delta environmental water justice, green the city of Stockton, and grow inter-ethnic and inter-tribal environmental and ecological health and wealth. He lives with his wife and cat in Albany, California.

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