Susan J. Gordon writes personal essays and articles about marriage and family life; the Holocaust and genealogy; parenting, seasonal and national holidays; and travel. Her work has appeared in hundreds of nationally known magazines and newspapers. In 1998, her book, WEDDING DAYS: When and How Great Marriages Began, was published by Wm. Morrow & Co. Her latest work, BECAUSE OF EVA: A Jewish Genealogical Journey, was published by Syracuse University Press in April, 2016. It's about Susan's Jewish journey through her own personal heart of darkness, and tells how what began as a seemingly simple search for the woman who buried Susan's grandfather inspired her to track down family members, and fly to Budapest and Ukraine to see where relatives lived and died before and during World War II, and in the Holocaust.
Featured Work
Because of Eva: A Jewish Genealogical Journey

Other Works
Wedding Days: When and How Great Marriages Began - New and Updated Edition
Awards and Recognition
- Susan's memoir, BECAUSE OF EVA: A Jewish Genealogical Journey (2016, Syracuse University Press), won the 2017 Best Book Award for Memoir from the American Society of Journalists & Authors.