
“K. L. Patrick is a writer, philosopher, and playwright. Born in the Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia, his work is focused mainly in Appalachia, and the horrors that can lie in the unknown regions of the mountains.
He has a bachelor’s degree in theatre, with his first play debuting next summer. Before pursuing writing, he channeled his creative energies through music and theatre. Having worked on over ninety plays, in every role, from director to lighting designer, to actor. He worked for the Barter Theatre in Abingdon, Virginia., for a year until the pandemic hit. Which killed the theatre scene for at least three years.
With the closure of the entertainment scene, he moved back home and took a job for the postal service. In his time away from theatre, he started to use the written word as a way to still be creative, mostly writing short stories. He started reading more again and listening to audio books on his mail route. He devoured most of Stephen King’s catalogue in those two years. While discovering new authors like Stephen Graham Jones, and Christopher Golden.
His inspiration comes from the monster stories of old, as well as older slasher films. The question always bit at him when watching them. Could this happen in this tiny rural area, and if it does, what does it look like?
He decided he needed some guidance in his pursuit of writing. Thus, he began to pursue his Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing at Southern New Hampshire University. He has almost finished and hopes that by the end he will have his thesis novel tentatively called ‘The Mine’ ready for publication. He is also working on a novella with the working title of ‘The Disappearing of Three Forks.’ Which should be finished before the end of 2024.
When he isn’t reading or writing, he loves to explore the mountainside and to think deeply about the terror that may exist within the ancient hills. He also plays guitar and sings while enjoying time with his wonderful new wife and their pets.”