
Ellen Silvers is a financial advisor who focuses her practice on educating and empowering her clients to achieve their monetary goals. With an AB cum laude from Brown University in Women, Law and Society, and an MA from the University of Santa Monica in Counseling, Ellen is uniquely suited to guide women through the labyrinthine divorce process. While at Brown, Ellen was a guest columnist for the Brown Daily Herald and published The Carberry Guide to the Gentle Art of Program Planning.

Ellen was Director of Marketing for Self-Esteem Seminars, Jack Canfield’s enterprise prior to his editing the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. There she cut her teeth on the human potential movement, developed curriculum, and became a seminar leader.

A former teacher, theater producer/director and choir conductor, Ellen likes to spend her free time walking her three Doodles, baking challah, singing, and stewarding her Little Free Library. She enthusiastically participates in the Pitch to Published author online support community and is a founding member of the Platt Writer’s Group.

Ellen is the proud mother of three spectacular humans. If you want to start a conversation, ask her what books she is reading. With trophies in speech and debate, Ellen fluidly and respectfully discusses politics, history, psychology, current events, science, cooking, and even religion.


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