
Catherine Devine Zagorski is the founder of Veda Ventures Malkoota D’Shmeya, a company dedicated to the will of the rising Divine Feminine.

She runs two collaborating brands @the_raw_milkmaid (as the Creator of Magick Milk, a raw cow milk based 'just like breastmilk' baby formula) and @the_water_priestess (handmade elixirs for spiritual awakening, divine embodiment, and a variety of ailments, and specialized coaching services) as well as, authoring over a dozen books (to release in the next year), and creating a children's animation series to match her children’s book series, ‘The Power of the Rose.’

Her journey began during the blood, sweat, and tears of new motherhood...She was forced to ditch her corporate executive title, which actually caused her to embrace her true identity and passion. As a budding Divine Feminine teacher, speaker, ceremonialist, and healer, she is now on a mission to nurture a dark and hurting world. She believes that humanity is hungry for the origins of their celestial beginnings and the end of their attachment to suffering.

Studying in various Mystery Schools, most notably and recently, with a High Priestess of the French Gnostic Church in Montségur France, She is now drawn to the healing arts and unleashing her soul's highest purpose, for the good of humanity.

She is passionate about helping others embrace their true identities and live their best lives. Through her work as The Water Priestess, she hopes to inspire others to seek the divinity within themselves…to help lead them on a journey back to their own hearts, where the healer they seek has always been. To realize we are all Love Walking, in our own most genuine and beautiful soulful expressions.

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