
Heidi Kasa is the author of Split (Monday Night Press, 2022), and her writing has appeared in Barrelhouse, Ruminate, and The Racket, among others. She won the 2024 Plaza Prose Poetry Prize and the 2023 Poetry Super Highway Poetry Prize. Kasa’s flash fiction collection The Beginners won the 2023 Digging Press Chapbook Contest, and is forthcoming in 2025. Her work has also been a finalist for a Black Lawrence Press award and shortlisted for a Fractured Lit award. She works as an editor and creates handmade artist books in Austin. Find her at www.heidikasa.com.

Hi! I write poetry and usually some form of speculative literature, whether you want to call it magical realism, slipstream, sci-fi, fantasy, etc. My work is often idea-based and philosophical, with emotional resonance.

Other Works

Awards and Recognition

  • winner, 2024 Plaza Prose Poetry Award
  • winner, 2023 Digging Press Chapbook Award
  • winner, 2023 Poetry Super Highway Poetry Award
  • semifinalist, 2022 The Ghost Story Flash Contest
  • shortlisted, 2021 Fractured Lit Flash Contest
  • finalist, 2019 Black River Chapbook Contest