
I have been a practicing lawyer for 37 years--licensed in Georgia. I did 20 years on active duty in the Army JAG Crops--as did my wife of 36 years, who I met in the JAG Basic Course in Charlottesville. I then did 10 years as a senior civilian attorney in various positions in the Executive Branch of the Federal Government in the Washington, DC area. The first of those jobs was as the Principal Deputy Chief Defense Counsel at the Military Commissions Defense Organization from 2007-2010. I have written a memoir about my time doing that work, which should be published shortly. I then spent about 7 years as an SES attorney at the Department of the Interior, supervising the practice of Indian Law and many other matters. I was able to attend the University of Notre Dame as an undergraduate thanks to a 4 Year Army ROTC scholarship--and that's how I ended up in the Army. I got my JD from the University of Georgia, where I grew up--as my father was a long time History Professor and head of the AAUP at UGA. My main areas of legal practice over the years have been criminal law, environmental law, Indian law, and a range of administrative and civil law pertaining to the federal government.

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