About the Service

You can learn more about my writing, speaking, and design services on my personal website where you can also download my portfolio, resume, and speaker's kit.


Public Speaking
My mission in life is to turn my mess into a message and show the world that a diagnosis or set of diagnoses do not have to mark the end of a person's story. If you think that my story might inspire your group, clientele, or Podcast audience I'd love to hear from you and discuss a possible engagement.


I'm available to speak about the following topics: overcoming trauma, living with a chronic pain and invisible illness, and creating a work-life around physical limitations, restricted mobility, and mental health challenges.

Most requested keynotes:

Turning a mess into a message: Self-advocacy and self-care


Medical Gaslighting: What it is and how to fight it


Mindset over matter: You are the hero of your own story.