About the Service

You can learn more about my writing, speaking, and design services on my personal website where you can also download my portfolio, resume, and speaker's kit.


Writing & Content Creation
I've been writing since I learned to read. I begged my mother for a typewriter for my eighth birthday and she delivered. I started writing professionally at age 15 when I had a weekly op-ed column in my local newspaper. I've published and presented academic papers and case studies at regional conferences in the topic areas of human rights and health, US foreign policy, and nonprofit administration.

Most recently, I've published articles as a freelance journalist and op-ed columnist with Blasting News US. I also write and serve as a community leader for SpineNation.com, the #1 digital support community for those living with chronic back, neck, and spine conditions. If you are interested in having me write for your magazine, website, blog, or other publication, please contact me.


Public Speaking
My mission in life is to turn my mess into a message and show the world that a diagnosis or set of diagnoses do not have to mark the end of a person's story. If you think that my story might inspire your group, clientele, or Podcast audience I'd love to hear from you and discuss a possible engagement. I'm available to speak about the following topics: overcoming trauma, living with a chronic pain and invisible illness, and creating a work-life around physical limitations, restricted mobility, and mental health challenges.


Proofreading + Copyediting
If you're looking for a copywriter or proofreader for an academic paper, journal article, or creative writing project I'd love to hear from you. Since 2018 I have edited and proofread: fictional novels, a memoir about a Cuban immigrant and her journey to America, and academic and capstone projects for students whose first language is not English. Additionally, I wrote and self-published my own memoir, Skin in the Game: The Stories My Tattoos Tell.